2 of 3 Tor Exits Suspended

Well, the upstream IP provider decided they don’t want the Tor nodes there for the time being (partially since they didn’t have an official policy… yet). My node in Canada is still operational, however the beefy nodes operating out of my DC are down for now. They plan to inform me within the next month or so of an official policy. If they form an official stance and allow them, then they will come back online (albeit with the same reduced exit policy).


Tor Exit Nodes

I feel like I needed to help out a little more towards a great project: TOR. I won’t go into what it is here, as I assume my average reader knows. Hacking and Coffee decided to stand up a couple of exit nodes to contribute to the network. They do have a reduced exit policy, however most services are still accessible (notable exceptions being port 25 for SMTP between servers rather than user submissions). The first one to be given an exit flag is set and can be referenced at Atlas.torproject.org  (traffic statistics can be seen at https://tor.hackingand.coffee/stats ).

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